Hauraki Broo


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Nikki Slade Robinson

Broo, a young Bryde’s Whale is searching for food but it’s getting harder and harder to find. From award-winning children’s author and illustrator Nikki Slade Robinson comes a beautiful and inspiring tale that addresses the challenges faced by marine life in the Hauraki Gulf, skillfully reminding us of the importance of the conservation of our whole marine environment. Including two pages of information on the whales in the Hauraki Gulf. Hauraki Broo is published in collaboration with WWF-NZ and the spectacular Whale Tales Auckland 2022 event launching in January. It is also released in a separate Māori language edition, translated by Tane Karamaina, titled Ngā Purū o Hauraki.

Format: paperback
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9781927305751
Publication: January 2022

Additional information

Weight .35 kg
Dimensions 260 × 220 × 4 mm