Great Stories of New Zealand Conservation


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Alan Froggatt | paper back | 208 pages | 2023

New Zealand has an extraordinary range of plants and animals, yet many species are heading towards extinction. The arrival of humans to the country, and the predators we brought with us, has pushed the natural world to the brink.

But while we are the villains of the story, we can also be heroes.

In Great Stories of New Zealand Conservation, author Alan Froggatt tells 50 inspiring and thought-provoking stories from right across the motu.

Some projects have been locally led, while others have driven by national organisations – such as saving the kakapo and the yellow-eyed penguin. In every chapter there are real life New Zealanders, who care passionately about our environment.

“­The stories he tells [in Great Stories of New Zealand Conservation] are fascinating and important in their own right, but collected together like this they become almost a manifesto for all those who love nature. I heartily recommend it.” – Kevin Hague, Former Chief Executive, Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society of New Zealand (Inc)

‘Many observers believe it produces the most beautiful song of any New Zealand bird’ – extract from

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 210 × 150 × 19 mm